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LCD DISPLAY, 6 tlačítek typ1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO - Elektro
LCD DISPLAY, 6 tlačítek typ1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO - Elektro
LCD DISPLAY, 6 tlačítek typ1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO - Elektro
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LCD DISPLAY, 6 tlačítek typ1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO

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99 Kč
Ukončeno v sobotu 2. 7. 2022, 08:14:44
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LCD DISPLAY, 6 tlačítek typ1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO
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Dvouřádkový LCD DISPLAY s 6-ti tlačítky. Typ 1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO UNO a jeho klony

LCD Panel lze přímo zasunout do Arduina Una. Po náhrání patřičného programu hned funguje.


Testovací program:

//Sample using LiquidCrystal library

// select the pins used on the LCD panel
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);
// define some values used by the panel and buttons
int lcd_key = 0;
int adc_key_in = 0;
#define btnRIGHT 0
#define btnUP 1
#define btnDOWN 2
#define btnLEFT 3
#define btnSELECT 4
#define btnNONE 5
// read the buttons
int read_LCD_buttons()
adc_key_in = analogRead(0); // read the value from the sensor
// my buttons when read are centered at these valies: 0, 144, 329, 504, 741
// we add approx 50 to those values and check to see if we are close
if (adc_key_in > 1000) return btnNONE; // We make this the 1st option for speed reasons since it will be the most likely result
if (adc_key_in < 50) return btnRIGHT;
if (adc_key_in < 195) return btnUP;
if (adc_key_in < 380) return btnDOWN;
if (adc_key_in < 555) return btnLEFT;
if (adc_key_in < 790) return btnSELECT;
return btnNONE; // when all others fail, return this...
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2); // start the library
lcd.print("Stiskni tlacitko"); // print a simple message
void loop()
lcd.setCursor(9,1); // move cursor to second line "1" and 9 spaces over
lcd.print(millis()/1000); // display seconds elapsed since power-up
lcd.setCursor(0,1); // move to the begining of the second line
lcd_key = read_LCD_buttons(); // read the buttons
switch (lcd_key) // depending on which button was pushed, we perform an action
case btnRIGHT:
lcd.print("VPRAVO ");
case btnLEFT:
lcd.print("VLEVO ");
case btnUP:
lcd.print("NAHORE ");
case btnDOWN:
lcd.print("DOLE ");
case btnSELECT:
lcd.print("KRAJNI ");
case btnNONE:
lcd.print("NIC ");

DIVISHOBBY Kompletní nabídka zboží Dotaz Přidat k oblíbeným Hodnocení O mně Kompletní nabídka zboží CNC a 3D tisk Měření, regulace a termostaty Pro modeláře Lepidla Ostatní Dvouřádkový LCD DISPLAY s 6-ti tlačítky. Typ 1602 vhodné pro ARDUINO UNO a jeho klony LCD Panel lze přímo zasunout do Arduina Una. Po náhrání patřičného programu hned funguje. . Testovací program: //Sample using LiquidCrystal library #include // select the pins used on the LCD panel LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // define some values used by the panel and buttons int lcd_key = 0; int adc_key_in = 0; #define btnRIGHT 0 #define btnUP 1 #define btnDOWN 2 #define btnLEFT 3 #define btnSELECT 4 #define btnNONE 5 // read the buttons int read_LCD_buttons() { adc_key_in = analogRead(0); // read the value from the sensor // my buttons when read are centered at these valies: 0, 144, 329, 504, 741 // we add approx 50 to those values and check to see if we are close if (adc_key_in > 1000) return btnNONE; // We make this the 1st option for speed reasons since it will be the most likely result if (adc_key_in < 50) return btnRIGHT; if (adc_key_in < 195) return btnUP; if (adc_key_in < 380) return btnDOWN; if (adc_key_in < 555) return btnLEFT; if (adc_key_in < 790) return btnSELECT; return btnNONE; // when all others fail, return this... } void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); // start the library lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Stiskni tlacitko"); // print a simple message } void loop() { lcd.setCursor(9,1); // move cursor to second line "1" and 9 spaces over lcd.print(millis()/1000); // display seconds elapsed since power-up lcd.setCursor(0,1); // move to the begining of the second line lcd_key = read_LCD_buttons(); // read the buttons switch (lcd_key) // depending on which button was pushed, we perform an action { case btnRIGHT: { lcd.print("VPRAVO "); break; } case btnLEFT: { lcd.print("VLEVO "); break; } case btnUP: { lcd.print("NAHORE "); break; } case btnDOWN: { lcd.print("DOLE "); break; } case btnSELECT: { lcd.print("KRAJNI "); break; } case btnNONE: { lcd.print("NIC "); break; } } }

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